Monday, February 16, 2009

Thank you so much to everyone for supporting us in our time of bereavement. The outpouring of love and support has been overwhelming. Thank you for crying with us and rejoicing with us over Stephen's short but full life. We knew Stephen was loved by many, but had no idea just how many. We have heard so many stories of things that Stephen has done that we didn't know about. We estimated there could have been as many as 800 - 1,000 people that attended Stephen's memorial service on Sunday, February 8th, to celebrate his life. What a testimony to such a young man and how he lived his life. The service was just incredible. We were amazed at how God moved and everything just flowed as our family, church, and friends sang, played, spoke, and preached about Stephen's life. We did get an audio of the service thanks to our excellent sound technician and we plan on making this available hopefully on the blog so those that weren't able to attend can hear the message, the stories, the poems, and the songs that we cried tears of joy over while hearing. You may also want to share this as a source of inspiratin to someone who needs to hear this message at a challenging time in their life.

We will continue to post to this site. We plan on adding more pictures and we will post when we add them. We will tell about the various memorials that are planned in honor of Stephen. We also are going to start a foundation in time called the I Love Stephen Moore Foundation. We will use the blog site until we have our own website.

Thank you again to everyone and we love you,

Jeff, Myra, and Philip

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for continuing to post on here because i still check it almost everyday! I have kept you all in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully i will see you both soon. Love Always, Hannah
