Monday, January 26, 2009

11:50PM The cardiologists decided not to do an Echo on Stephen's heart as it wasn't necessary. His heart function is good but the valves still have leakage which is the main problem. They are debating about the type of drug to use that will best keep his diastolic up and keep his systolic lower especially if they turn down the sedation medicine. While Stephen's diastolic has been staying in the 30's to 50's, his systolic has been 140 -180. Stephen's creatinine level (this is a measure of kidney function) was 1.2 yesterday but was back down to 1 today which is better but please pray it goes down more. This will allow the doctors to use contrast for a CT scan to look at his lower neck area to determine if there is any way to do a tracheostomy. Stephen did have a slight fever today but it has gone back down. His belly was as large as 89 cm but is now down to 70 cm. - Jeff and Myra

1 comment:

  1. Hey Myra, Jeff and Phillip! We are all praying for Stephen and will keep watching for updates. We're praying for ya'll too - for strength. Blessings on all of you.
    Jon, Deborah, Nora, and Zoe Heard.
