Wednesday, January 21, 2009

12:45PM Stephen's blood pressure has been much better throughout the night and all morning. His diastolic has been as high as 52 but has been averaging in the 30's. He isn't running a fever. He is still bloated as he has a lot of trapped air in his stomach and intestinal area. Please pray that we can all meet with the doctors next week and have good options and make good decisions. We are hoping Stephen can bounce back and make it without the ventilator as he possibly gets over whatever has made him so sick. He is doing a lot of his own breathing now as the ventilator will back off as he takes over. - Jeff


  1. Hey Myra and Jeff:

    Me, Deborah, Nora, and Zoe are praying for Stephen and for Phillip and both of you. Ya'll are a special family and I miss seeing you on a regular basis. Tell Stephen I still want him to sing "I'll Fly Away" for me on Sunday morning. Talk to you soon.

    Jon Heard

  2. I am praying very hard for Stephen to get better. I have been keeping up with Stephen through the emails that are going to the schools and being forwarded to me.

    Stephen, get well so we can get into some mischief soon!
    Love, Your Monkey face friend,
    Mrs. Taylor
