Friday, January 16, 2009

January 16, 2009 3:00

Stephen had a good night last night and has been resting well after his set back yesterday. His blood pressure and oxygen level are good. He is still sedated due to the breathing tube. He still needs his kidneys to function a little better. He is still running a slight fever. Stephen has some fluid and congestion in his lungs, but he is better. He has a sore on his right heal. Myra and I will be making a prayerful decision about Stephen having a tracheostomy to give him a safer way to breathe and be on a ventilator even part time if necessary. We hope this can be done Tuesday when they take out his breathing tube. This will eliminate them having to reinsert the breathing tube if Stephen needs help and he will no longer have to be sedated. He will also be able to communicate with us and get up and walk around so his body can start getting better. The doctors are very concerned about his airway and how difficult it is to get to it during an emergency. While the trach will be a minimal risk and a maintenance issue, the advantages that it offers in a safer airway and the ability for even us to manage his breathing far outweighs the risks that we see right now. Stephen will be needing therapy in his recovery and therefore will be in the hospital for several more weeks. - Jeff

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and especially Stephen. I wish for him a quick and easy recovery.
    Take care, Liz
